SMARTS  (Scalable Microscopic Adaptive Road Traffic Simulator) is a flexible  microscopic traffic simulator developed at the School of Computing and Information Systems, University of Melbourne.  The project is funded by the Australian Research Council (DP180103332 and DP130103705). The simulator allows easy setup of simulations based on OpenStreetMap data. The simulator can run as a standalone program. It can also run as a distributed system for fast large-scale (in excess of 500, 000 vehicles using 40 computing nodes) simulations. The microscopic simulator model vehicles and traffic lights individually. Various road rules and driver behavior are implemented into SMARTS. The simulator can output various types of traffic data. It provides a graphical user interface for controlling and visualizing simulations. It also supports scripted simulations.

You can get the binary version from the downloads. If you were new to the simulator, you may want to run a quick simulation with the default settings once you have downloaded the simulator. You may want to try various features of the simulator as shown in some examples. You can also have a look at the technical documentations. More details about the simulator can be found in our publications. If you would like to customize the simulator, you can get a copy of the source code from our GitHub repository.

If you would like to publish a work based on SMARTS, please kindly cite our paper and the location of the GitHub repository.

Our contact details are available on the profile page of our team members (ordered by last name):